2 Jan 2012


In this BayJax talk from September 16, 2011, Miško Hevery of Google speaks about AngularJS, an open source MVC framework for JavaScript.

Angular is an open-source MVC JavaScript framework, which simplifies web development by offering automatic view/model synchronization.

In addition to two-way binding, Angular is lightweight, supports all major browsers, and built for creating testable JavaScript code.

Angular was created by Miško Hevery (http://misko.hevery.com/).

From the Angular website:

<angular/> is what HTML would have been if it had been designed for building web applications. It provides your application’s plumbing so you can focus on what your app does, rather than how to get your web browser to do
what you need.

For more information visit: http://angularjs.org

You can find the source code here: 

Great talk ! Looking forward to learning AngularJS

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